How to...
Livestream an event
Click here to download and print this checklist.
Before the event
Cell phone clamp for tripod
Monopod or tripod (if not available, find a table or other place to rest the phone)
External battery for mobile phone, fully charged
Power cord for mobile phone
Print “On Air” signs
Scotch tape for signs
Use this guide for using professional recording gear like microphones and video cameras
Advertise in advance: tell your online followers that you’ll be livestreaming
Fully charge your mobile phone
Check that the Facebook Pages app is installed on the phone you’re using, and logged into the correct account
Make space on your phone if you plan to save the original video at optimal quality
Find a volunteer who can Tweet out the link to the livestream broadcast, and also to live Tweet the event while you record
Draft up the message/post text that will go into your livestream before the event, so it's ready to copy & paste into your post when you go live
Get more information about the location of the event:
Is there 4G cell coverage?
If not, is there wifi and what’s the password?
How will sound be amplified?
Can you get close to the people speaking?
During the event
Carefully choose recording location: get close to the people speaking but not in front of sound amplifiers which could overload microphone. Also keep the light source behind you
Create the video post on your app
Select for “Landscape” mode (double check that your phone’s portrait orientation lock is NOT set)
Ask a colleague to tweet out the video link/circulate via email while it’s going on
After the event
Download the video from app when the broadcast is completed
Reshare the video link on all your social media channels
Other Resources
Facebook Live Tips:
4 Ways To Save Live Video Broadcasts:
Documenting Protests with Video: