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Press conference

Hold an event and invite local reporters and media to get our issues covered in the news.

Call reporters


How to organize a press conference

Press conferences are a great way for your event to reach a wider audience and get widespread media coverage. They can help amplify all kinds of events: a round table, town hall, school tour, petition delivery — be creative!


Alert the media

A few days before your scheduled event, you will need to email a press advisory with the basic details to the media, so they will know where to be and when. Reporters will decide whether to attend based on your advisory, so make it compelling! 
Click to view or download (.doc) a template press advisory. 


Make calls to reporters

Emails can often be missed, especially in busy newsrooms. After you send your press advisory, make follow-up calls to the reporters and ask them if they will be able to make it. Remember, they're busy — sell your event to them!


The press release

The press release is where you include all the information about what happened — who was there, what they said, why it was important. It should have quotes from your speakers. Bring copies to your press conference to hand out to media, and only email it AFTER your event!

Click here to view or download (.doc) a template press release.


Make signs and posters

Creative visuals like posters, hats, balloons or banners will make it more likely for your press conference to get TV coverage. Have fun with them! 


Tell us how it went!

When it's all over, fill out this form to let us know how your press conference went.
Press release
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